Post 4: My future job

 Post 4: My future job

Hello everyone again! Welcome to my blog, how are you? The truth is that I have been a little tired this week and discouraged, but luckily it is already Thursday and we are close to the weekend.

Anyway, the topic I'll talk about today is about jobs. Honestly, when I was a kid, I could never imagine myself with any stable job, since at that time I didn't know myself enough and I didn't know what I wanted, but two years ago I finally found a job I would like to have; character designer. The character designer is the one who has the job of creating fictional entities (i mean, characters) for certain projects, such as animation projects, toys, movies, among others. I would love to have that job, because it is what I have been dreaming of this last time, to be able to create my characters and see them on screens or even in figures. I find it extremely fun and I challenge my creativity constantly.

Some basic skills I need are to know how to conceptualize, master techniques of representation of these concepts (drawing, making 3D models, sculpting), master color theory, know how to work with creative processes and definitely have patience. In the world of design nothing comes out at first, so it is important to be persistent and not to give up. Finally, I believe that having this work would give me the satisfaction of working on what I love most and what I am most passionate about and fills my spirit. 

 (Toy story conceptual art, Andy's room)

I believe that the greatest reward is knowing that I am able to create new worlds with my mind and shape them into reality, especially if more people manage to identify with my characters or my creations.

("In a heartbeat" sketches) 


  1. Hi Seba!! wow that is an amazing dream i would say.I think that you have those skills and you are capable of make this dream real also i am very sure that you will achieve this!!

  2. hello sebastian!

    I feel very happy for you, I'm glad you could settle down on a path and know what you like

    and let me say that you are very talent, congratulations !


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